Fine art wedding albums

A wedding album becomes more valuable by the day. This is what we see in our own lives: as children, we loved to leaf through our parents’ wedding albums. We believe that a tangible book is the most beautiful way to feel your wedding again.

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We are so happy with the wedding album we have now, which has been put together with so much love and captures so many beautiful moments!


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Handmade, quality, attention and simplicity.

We design the fine art wedding albums together with you, making them unique and personal. We will not order the album until you are also completely satisfied.

The album comes standard with 40 pages (20 flat spreads) that allow all the highlights of the day to pass by. The prints are printed on matte fine-art paper where both color and black-and-white photos come out very nicely.

These luxury albums are handmade in Holland and are available in multiple sizes with leather, natural linen or velvet covers. In addition, it is also possible to have a personal design printed on the cover.

Surprise your parents with a (smaller) version of your wedding album? You can! Request your parent albums from us.
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What is the difference between the standard included 20×15 cm album and the upgrade to a deluxe fine art album?

We believe that photos look best on paper prints, which is why the mini album is already included in the wedding shoot. In it are about 20 photos that show the highlights of your day, so ideal to carry with you everywhere in your bag. Do you opt for a luxury fine-art wedding album? Then we will create a complete and personalized design for you that includes the full story of your day. there are two to three rounds of feedback, so you get to think all the way through the final result.

What does the upgrade to the fine art wedding album cost?

Our fine art wedding albums are available starting at €595. This includes multiple design rounds where you have a say in the layout. We will not order it until you are completely satisfied with the design. By default, this album contains 40 pages (20 spreads) and a linen cover, but it is also possible to choose a leather or velvet cover. In addition, there are many other possibilities that we would like to show you during the introductory meeting.

Let's get in touch.

Check our availability and over a cup of coffee, we would love to hear more about your love story and maybe become your storytellers.

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